My Life: Week Two.

Ladies & gentlemen, our sickness has left the building. And on top of that, it has left us with an immense amount of cabin fever! Luckily we were able to find a few ways to keep busy as well as spend some meaningful time together. After all, that's what being a family is all about!

Grandma and I took the boys to Great Lake Crossing Mall to visit the SEA Life Aquarium. Kevin and I had taken Milo once when he was about two, but we haven't been back since. The kids loved it and I love watching their faces full of awe. Definitely a fun place to check out on a day with bad weather.

Jonah's Mickey Mouse obsession is getting a little excessive haha! The kid is in Heaven and got spoiled this Christmas with Mickey things. Hopefully the infatuation continues into May when we take our Disney vacation or else we may have a problem... just kidding. I'm about to be 28 and it's still my favorite place on Earth. So far. 

Our first "escape" after being sick was of course Costco because there's honestly nothing like wandering around looking at all of the things you probably don't actually need and tasting all of the free samples. You could make a lunch out of all of the samples you're handed, but you have to be sure to save room for a slice of pepperoni pizza that's the size of your head. It's Milo's favorite! We let Jonah wander around outside of the cart since it wasn't crazy busy and he was amused.  A little exhausting for us, but he had a good time!

This week I consumed a ton of homemade Ear Grey tea lattes <3 Hot Earl Grey + with Califia Farm's Toasted Coconut milk = a love affair I'm happy to have. I actually think I may make one as soon as I finish this post! 

I'm trying to get in the habit of finishing a book once a month, which I've aspired to do in prior years. I think one a month isn't too much, it can totally be done and broken up into 20 minutes here and 30 minutes there. This month's book is Becoming by the lovely Michelle Obama. I'm roughly halfway through and I can't get enough of it.

Milo and I started & finished this book this week! He's really been into reading with me lately and is improving on some sight words. I loved this series as a kid and I love any part of my childhood that I can share with him. 

Aunt Carla gifted him a Target gift card for Christmas, so we went and he picked out 3 games! Now those are some toys I can get behind him having. We played a couple of games of Guess Who and he shockingly kicked my butt. I think the game will also help with his process of elimination and descriptions. 

The strangest January ever. THERE'S NO SNOW! It's rained, it's been muddy and the temperature has even gotten to 50 degrees. Climate change is terrifying, but I will say that the mild winter has done a ton for my seasonal depression and anxiety. I actually feel pretty good.

Still working extra hard on our Disney countdown as well as working on our months and days of the week! Still learning while having fun! We still have 100+ days to go but he hasn't tired of counting down.

Had a slumber party with this babe & played Candy Land... which he beat me at as well. I love nights like this with him because when he's laying down to fall asleep he always asked to cuddle and tells me that he really loves me. I never want to forget that and I wish everyone could know just how good it feels. I'm raising such a gentle, sweet boy.

Rode in the back of our 2017 Escape to Matthew's birthday with the toots and got to chat with this little love <3 He's a handful, but he's so sweet.

I can't believe this kid turned 13 this year. He feels like my first child sometimes being a whole 15ish years younger than me. He was my partner in crime and the whole reason I wanted to become a mother. It's been fun watching him grow, but now it's starting to make me feel old.

See? A handful. He didn't want to sit with us and was clearly amused by his escape.

Rainforest Cafe after the aquarium. It was nice eating at a restaurant that kept them entertained long enough to me to eat! That never happens!

Made the mistake of giving him a PB&J for dinner. Don't worry, I promise that I've learned my lesson.

 <3 It was a wonderful week.

01.07.2019 - 01.13.2019


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