My Life: Week One.

New Years to me feels kind of cleansing, especially after this past year. I'm not one for resolutions, but I really do want to spend more time living in the moment and trying to feel everything while I can. I know one day I'm going to blink and all that I will have of these times are photographs and fond memories. One day they won't be so little and I won't be so young. Until then, I want to live and love and enjoy them and life together as much as we possibly can. 2018 brought a lot of emotions and broke me down in hard, heavy ways but it also allowed me to witness strengths I never knew I had. This coming year will be a time to heal.  I thought photo documenting each week would be a really cool way to showcase this coming year and it will eventually give my children something beautiful and personal to look back on.

We’ve all been so under the weather since Christmas that I decided to throw our little family of four a “fancy party” for NYE (aside from Jonah in his comfy pajamas). Milo wore his finest khakis, a gray turtle neck under an oversized dress coat handed down from my brother, Matthew, and insisted that I wore my “princess dress"- as seen below. Every time I wear it Milo tells me how I look just like a beautiful princess. I've been so blessed with such a kind and loving boy.

Milo sitting on the couch sipping sparkling white grape juice out of a plastic champagne flute. What a character! Sweet, fleeting memories that I never want to let go of. Also, I have a feeling the camera that Kevin got me for Christmas that prints instant photos will become one of my favorite possessions. Its so nostalgic.


He really has the silliest little personality and I'm enjoying being the mother of a 5 year old very much. We went all out party hats, strung silver star (Jonah refers to stars as “up aboves” and my heart melts every time) garland in the house, made finger foods and danced all of our goofy, sick butts off. We followed by drawing a picture of what we wanted to do this next year. Kevin is hoping to take the boys fishing, Milo wants to see a clown show (ha!) and I’d love nothing more than to stand in the pool of the waterfall at Fall Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee. I miss it down there and I miss my Grandpa very much.

Even Jonah got to enjoy some sparkling juice out of his fancy cup alongside his veggies and dip. His personality has really blossomed these last few weeks. He's so sweet and silly and knows just how to push my buttons!

My world. What else is there to say? 
Let's bet honest, any year with these two by my side is a good one. 

Caved and took sick little Toot to the pediatrician just to make sure he's doing okay. It's so hard to determine how sick they are at this age simply because the can't tell you. Of course, I worried about nothing and the pediatrician assured me that he's on the mend and I'm doing a great job getting back to perfect health. I think that's what I may have needed to hear all along. You'd think with Jonah being my second child, I'd have a little bit more confidence, but nope!

Oh 'Pop the Pig.' So many games have played this week, although I think I need to work with Milo on being a better sport when it comes to losing. He doesn't throw a tantrum or anything, but he does get frustrated when you don't let him win. I was hesitant to let someone get this game for him but it's easy and he's really enjoying it. Definitely helped pass the sick time and allowed us some quality time.

Milo woke me up on Friday morning around 6:30 begging me to come and sleep in his bed with him. Seriously, how on Earth could I say no? I love when I get to look at his face while he's asleep - yes, I sound like a creep. But look at the softness of his face and how grown he looks! He's looking more and more like a grown boy every day and sometimes I swear I can feel my heart breaking. 

It got to the upper 40s so naturally we had to walk around the block for some fresh air. Sick in the house for a week = definite cabin fever. It felt so good. The sun felt good on my face and I was even thankful for the chilly air that filled my lungs. I wish everyday could be at least 46 degrees. I'm ready for spring although this has hardly felt like winter. 

They're beginning to play with one another instead of fighting which I will call an accomplishment. Milo was so resistant when we brought Jonah home and sometimes it felt like the end was never in sight, but here we are. Two brothers learning to utilize one another as a friend, bonding over Lego's and a vast array of superheroes. I hope this is the start of a beautiful brotherhood/friendship.

Oh, Jonah. He's cute and he knows it and he is more than happy allowing you to take a picture of it. And yes, we're still very much into our Christmas pajamas! After all, they're the comfiest kind.

Today was our unplugged Sunday or #sunplugged. I'm making a habit to leave Sundays for very little screen time, hoping to eliminate it completely other than a family movie in the evening and no social media or playing on my phone until after both kids have been put to bed. I screwed up slightly a little early, but I did avoid my phone for the majority of the day unless it was to respond to a text or phone call). Ashley came to visit, we indulged in some pizza for dinner, the boys played together in Jonah's tee pee and ended the day on the couch watching Finding Dory. A new Sunday ritual? We'll have to see what next week brings <3 

12.31.2018 - 01.06.2019


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